Evolving from a small component-making enterprise into the colossal consumer electronics powerhouse it is today, Hon Hai Technology (aka Foxconn) is placing its bets on the realm of electric cars as it deftly maneuvers through an era of complex Washington-Beijing relations.

Read more: From iPhones to EVs: Foxconn's Bold Move Amid US-China Tensions

According to a tech analyst, the iPhone 15 and iPhone 15 Plus are expected to incorporate a rear camera with a three-stacked sensor. This component could delay the release date of the smartphone. It was earlier this year that Apple announced that it would abandon the 12 MP sensor.

Read more: Launch of iPhone 15 Could Be Delayed. But for What Reason?

If Starbucks were a bank, it would be bigger than 90% of institutions covered by the US Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation by deposit size, with a new model of banks. It is not a place for customers to reserve money for cash withdrawals. Its reserve can be applied to coffee and small snack orders only.

Read more: Are You a Beneficiary of Starbucks Deposits?

Auto giant Toyota Motor Corp. has confirmed a decade-long data breach, spanning from November 2013 to April 2023, via its Toyota Connected service, affecting 2.15 million customers. Due to the lack of an active detection mechanism, anyone had access to vehicle information without a password.

Read more: Failure in Automotive Cybersecurity Caused Decade-Long Data Breach

Vietnamese tech firm FPT is set to revolutionize connectivity with a new cable linking Vietnam to the undersea Asia Link Cable. With an investment of US$26 million, FPT plans to recover costs within nine years. The high-speed Asia Link Cable spans 6,000 kilometers, connecting Hong Kong, mainland China, the Philippines, Brunei and Singapore at 18 terabits per second (tbps). FPT Telecom will establish a connecting station in Da Nang City, while the state-owned VNPT will install the SJC2 cable in 2024. In addition, Viettel has unveiled a remarkable undersea cable costing US$290 million, stretching 9,800 kilometers with a capacity of over 140 tbps.

Smartphones are the main hub of our online lives, making them a common target for hackers. There are three main types of threats mobile users face: malware apps, adware and spyware. A recent study found that spyware apps for Android phones are difficult to detect and remove and can leak sensitive personal information. Spyware is software that monitors a device’s content and programs that harness a device’s internet bandwidth for use in a botnet to send spam or phishing screens that steal a user’s login when entered into a compromised but otherwise legitimate app.

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