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At the forefront of delivering exceptional end-to-end connectivity solutions, Talia, a Commercis company, has established itself as a reliable and innovative telecom solution provider, with satellite technology as one of its core pillars. During CABSAT 2024, Telecom Review conducted an exclusive interview with Floyd Turner, VP of Global Service Delivery Operations at Talia, to discuss the company's commitment to excellence and its innovative approach to telecom solutions.

As a market leader throughout the EMEA region, how important is it to innovate your satellite service delivery? Which technologies are being harnessed by Talia in the process?

As part of the Talia portfolio under our parent company, Commercis, we offer a comprehensive range of end-to-end managed services and solutions that serve as the pillars of our company. Our services extend beyond satellite to include fiber, wireless, terrestrial solutions, and LAN/WAN, WiFi on-site services.

We tailor our overall portfolio to meet the specific needs of our customers, recognizing that while satellite is an important component, many customers seek enterprise-level solutions.

We found that our innovation approach and our focus is: to look at how we can approach these solutions and always stay ahead as differentiators, rather than offering generic ‘me too’ and ‘anybody’ centric services.

To address this, we integrate various technologies to provide stable, high-quality services that meet service level agreements (SLAs) and exceed customer expectations. Technologies such as AI, IoT, augmented and mixed realities, and robotic process automation are incorporated into our services, transforming them from reactive to proactive monitoring.

By combining these advanced technologies, we ensure that our field services and network management help-desk solutions are seamlessly integrated. This results in high service availability and quality, delivered through a comprehensive, full-solution approach that goes beyond isolated service points.

Hence, customers can expect a consistent, high level of service that meets their evolving needs.

What regional customer demands drive Talia to provide better satellite connectivity?

In the industry, we're seeing a consolidation of many companies, including operators and solution providers, as they navigate the ongoing disruptions and surge of new solutions.

In response, our focus has shifted to delivering integrated solutions that combine GEO, LEO, and MEO satellite orbits. This approach addresses the diverse needs of our B2B customers across various sectors such as oil and gas, energy, NGOs, telecommunications, security and defense, government, and enterprise.

These customers are not just looking for basic satellite connectivity but comprehensive enterprise solutions. This involves not only providing the signal and connectivity but also maintaining, supporting, and monitoring it throughout its lifespan. This overall service solution is thus seen as a long-term commitment, ensuring that customer expectations are met with consistent service quality. 

Providing a customized and personalized experience is a key differentiator of Talia's Service Delivery Programs and Service Solutions. To be successful, it's important not just to talk about innovation and technology solutions but to integrate and execute them.

What are the challenging aspects evident in satellite service delivery operations? How does Talia ensure the reliability, security, and robustness of its services globally?
One of our biggest challenges is meeting ever-increasing customer expectations, especially with the advent of new technologies and positive disruptors. Customers hear about these innovations and expect them to be integrated into solutions seamlessly. This presents both a challenge and an opportunity for us.

Another challenge is integrating various approaches and solutions. If you think about it, each provider has their own methods, and making these systems work together smoothly can be complex. In reality, customers don't want to deal with the technicalities; they just want reliable service, whether it's a primary backup, integrated system, or any other setup.

The industry's current disruptions are pushing companies to develop comprehensive solutions that can manage capacity across multiple satellites, bands, and orbits. At Talia, we partner with providers worldwide to integrate these complex solutions. The industry is often a few years behind, but with emerging technologies like LEO and MEO, there's a significant push to catch up. We leverage our broad range of solutions and integrate them to meet customer demands effectively.

Globally, we provide connectivity services, operation field services, and technical assistance. These are crucial not only for supporting our services but also for meeting customer needs.

Having said that, security is a major focus, specifically, ensuring that our services are secure and stable. We have a dedicated business unit focused on technology solutions and security, making it an integral part of our business practices.

We are committed to quality management and adhering to ISO standards. With many customers within the oil and gas sector, we maintain the highest standards across all operations, ensuring compliance with ISO 14001 for environmental management, ISO 9001 for quality management, and ISO 45001 for health and safety.

We make that a way of life, not just certifications. Many of our customers require it, but we want to make sure that it becomes part of what we deliver, making quality and security a fundamental part of our business.

Which satellite industry trend do you think will be most prominent in the EMEA region in the next five years? How will this trend impact Talia’s success?

One significant trend is the ongoing consolidation of companies in the industry, driven by various factors such as market forces, strategic design, and the potential benefits of combining resources.

This consolidation is similar to the disruption caused by Uber in the transportation sector, which forced everyone to innovate and elevate their service levels. Similarly, in the satellite industry, this trend is pushing companies to stay ahead of the curve rather than lagging behind.

As a result, we can expect to see more innovative solutions emerge. Having been in the satellite industry since the early 2000s, I've seen the traditional long timelines for satellite design and deployment. A satellite could take two to three years to launch and remain operational for a decade or more. However, this paradigm is shifting. Companies now need to focus on current technologies and customer needs, rather than planning solely for the distant future.

For Talia, this means integrating these trends and innovations into our overall solutions. Our success hinges on our ability to adapt and provide what customers need today, incorporating the latest technologies and solutions to meet dynamic customer expectations.

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