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The city of Dubai, UAE, hosted the 53rd session of the Arab ICT Permanent Committee from July 22-23, 2024.

The UAE-led meeting was represented by H.E. Eng. Mohammed al-Ramsi, the TDRA’s Deputy Director-General of the Telecommunications Sector, alongside participating delegates from various Arab states, the Technical Secretariat of the Council of Arab Ministers of Communications and Information (CAMCI-TS), as well as representatives from a number of bodies and organizations with observer status, including the ITU Arab Regional Office.

This meeting commenced in conjunction with ongoing preparations for the 54th meeting of the Executive Bureau, set to be held in the UAE on July 24, 2024.

H.E. Eng. Mohammed al-Ramsi during the 53rd Arab ICT Permanent Committee

The meeting of the Arab ICT Permanent Committee opened with a speech delivered by H.E. Eng. Mohammed al-Ramsi, in which he thanked the Secretariat General of the Arab League and the  Committee’s sub-teams for their recommendations that shaped the agenda.

He said, “This meeting comes as a reflection of teamwork that have long characterized the course of joint Arab action in the ICT sector. Concerted joint Arabic efforts have become an urgent necessity today to achieve our common aspirations, including strengthening the digital infrastructure, bridging the digital divide in the Arab world, and bringing about a digitally integrated Arab society. And let us not forget to reiterate the importance of continuing our cooperation with international organizations active in the sector, as this cooperation unlocks prospects for creating a future based on sustainable development and the welfare of our populaces.”

The agenda of the 53rd meeting of the Arab ICT Permanent Committee encompasses a range of issues and topics related to joint Arab cooperation in the field of telecommunications. These include the outcomes of the Arab ICT Permanent Committee working groups' meetings, cybersecurity topics, the Arab Digital Capital Initiative 2024, the joint regional Arab content forum with regional groups, organizations and other stakeholders in the Arab digital ICT, the Arab ICT Strategy, as well as the WSIS+20 Review.

The Arab ICT Permanent Committee stems from the Council of Arab Ministers of Telecommunications & Information, which serves as the supreme executive body for advancing the Arab ICT community and acts as one of the specialized ministerial councils operating under the umbrella of the Council of the Arab League. The Committee convenes twice a year ahead of the meetings of the Ministerial Council and the Executive Bureau.

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