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du, commercially rebranded from Emirates Integrated Telecommunications Company (EITC), reached a significant milestone in its brand strength, achieving a brand strength index (BSI) of 82.5 points.

According to the 2024 Brand Finance rankings, the company has not only maintained its AAA- rating but has also risen to become the third-strongest brand in the UAE and seventh-strongest in the Middle East. This significant growth has propelled du into the Global Top 25 Telecom brands, a notable ascent from its previous ranking at 33rd place last year.

Telecom Review Exclusive: du: Propelling UAE’s Connectivity to the Next Global Level

The company’s strategic initiatives and consistent focus on innovative telecommunications solutions have significantly increased its brand value by 13% year-on-year, from USD 2.198 billion to an impressive USD 2.475 billion. This marks not only a significant increase in financial valuation but also reinforces du's ongoing commitment to excellence and innovation in the competitive telecom sector.

Commenting on this milestone, Fahad Al Hassawi, CEO at du, said, "The du vision, which underpins our strategy to deliver value and unmatched experiences to our customers, has fortified our brand against both local and international benchmarks.”

This surge in brand strength and value is driven by du’s proactive approach to integrating cutting-edge technologies and customer-centric services, which significantly enhances user experiences.

The ranking is also attributed to du’s enhanced brand strength across various index attributes, including the quality of its products combined with its value for money and innovative methods to address customers’ needs, thus, positioning the company as a joint leader in these domains.

Notably, du’s recent initiatives in expanding 5G capabilities and enhancing digital transformation services have set new benchmarks across the industry.

“Keeping pace with generational and market developments, we have continuously adapted our approach to enhance customer satisfaction in alignment with our brand ethos,” the du CEO concluded.

Read More: du Officially Licensed to Offer Fintech Services

Read More: du and AWS to Build a ‘Cloud Center of Excellence’ in the UAE

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