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Qatar’s Digital Innovation Profile (DIP) has officially been launched by the Communications Regulatory Authority (CRA) in partnership with the International Telecommunications Union (ITU).

The initiative aims to comprehensively analyze Qatar’s digital innovation ecosystem to formulate key strategies and national policies to accelerate the country’s digital transformation.

The CRA has actively engaged stakeholders to ensure an accurate and thorough assessment of the country’s maturity in innovation and entrepreneurship. As part of the collaborative effort, representatives from various sectors have also participated in co-creation workshops, which aim to identify strengths, address gaps, analyze needs, and develop detailed recommendations for accelerating Qatar’s digital economy.

Also Read: CRA to Phase Out 3G in Qatar by December 2025, Boosting 4G and 5G

Digital Innovation at the Forefront

According to the CRA’s Public Relations and Communication Manager, Eng. Hussain Abdulla Salatt, “The development of the Digital Innovation Profile is a significant step towards enhancing Qatar’s competitiveness in the global information and communication technology (ICT) industry. We are not only prepared to assess where Qatar stands in terms of digital innovation, but we are also ready to envision the future and articulate where we should go.”

“The key recommendations from the DIP reviews will give us a comprehensive understanding of the challenges and opportunities within the ecosystem and help us shape a future-focused, ICT-based, innovation environment,” he added.

Furthermore, he underscored the significance of the initiative’s in-depth analysis to deliver CRA’s goal of building a sustainable, ICT-enabled economy aligned with Qatar’s National Vision 2030, the Third National Development Strategy 2024-2030, and the Digital Agenda 2030.

The CRA and ITU’s collective effort emphasizes Qatar’s commitment to accelerating the growth of its digital economy. Through the data-driven insights of the DIP project, guidelines for future policies will be established, ensuring the country’s position at the forefront of adopting digital innovation.

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