In an exclusive interview with Telecom Review, Konstantinos Pentikousis, Senior Manager for Mobile Networks and 5G Campus Networks at Detecon, dissected the current and future trajectory of 6G and commented on its developmental phase.

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Read more: Detecon: Capitalizing on the Opportunities of 6G Connectivity

Mobily, a leading telecommunications provider in Saudi Arabia, has embraced a digital transformation strategy to enhance its services and operations, driving continuous business growth. In recent years, Mobily has successfully implemented several digital practices and use cases in network experience and operations transformation. This commitment has earned the company recognition for delivering a consistent user experience in the kingdom.

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Read more: Mobily’s AI: Better Networks, Better Service

In an exclusive interview with Telecom Review, Saud Al Riyami, Chief Business and Wholesale Officer, Ooredoo Oman, shared the company’s multifaceted approach to customer experience, cybersecurity and sustainable economic growth in Oman.

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Read more: Ooredoo Oman: Enhancing Operational Efficiencies, Fostering Innovation